Surprise, we have a new herd sire!

On our farm, we felt very pleased to have one of the last Iron Horse and Tasman Toia sons (Mufasa) for our main herd sire. This year we had the chance to add a son from Heslington Sesame and Rosemary Bear. He was the product of last year’s embryo flush by Dick Rutherford and Chris Patrick. He weighed out at 57.8 pounds at weaning. In addition to rapid growth, rare genetics, he also has fantastic color (even though we aren’t supposed to care about this, it doesn’t hurt that he is easy on the eyes).


All this to say that we were quite happy with our young herd sires and had our breeding plan for this year all worked out. Then, out of the blue we got a call from a Kiko breeder that we had never met that got us really excited. Ms Ann Rogers got our name from another breeder and heard that we appreciated to older genetic lines. She had a Sunboy 117 (Loverboy) son that she was looking to place. Apparently he had lived up to his sire’s reputation (he was known to produce does that are excellent mothers). She had so many of his daughters that she had kept that she didn’t have many does left to breed him to that weren’t his daughters. So we were able to add a Loverboy son to our herd! We are certainly happy to have him on our farm. We even had a few does left that we were able to breed to him this year.