
Barn Upgrades

Before we purchased our farm in 2012, the previous owners had kept horses in the property.  So, while we were happy to have two barns, they are set up for horses.  I have been aching to get things set up to be more goat-oriented.  This summer we have started, to overhaul one of the barns.  My friend, Kevin Knox, and his sons have been redoing the electrical wiring, so that its up to code (don’t need to update the barn if it’s just going to burn down!). We are redoing the stalls for when we need to keep a closer eye on certain goats. We are also opening the stalls so that there is more ventilation.  It’s been a lot of work so far, but Jacob, my oldest son, has been right there helping and my wife has been been very supportive.  Plus I enjoy carpentry work, it’s a good break from my daily job.
