
2016 Buck Test

At Pleasant Ridge Goats we are happy to be participating in our first Buck Test.  Phillip Wilborn and Kraig Stemme help us transport our goats to Eastern Oklahoma University. It turns out that we are about the same distance from the Maryland and Eastern Oklahoma buck tests, but my schedule would not allow us to transport to either tests.  We have been working to develop a herd that is based on pasture performance so this is an important tool for us to check our progress.  After talking to Dr Kraig Stemme, we decided to go all in for testing. We sent the maximum number we were allowed, four, and we decided to send our best.  Of the four we sent, two of them were out of our embryo flush- PRG Blue’s Bootlegger and PRG’s Blue’s Midnight Sky are both by SKY Blue’s Son.  The other two (F24 and F27) were top performers out of GHK Mulan and GHK Yoshi. They are triplet sisters out of Little Blackie and Loverboy. Their sire is GHK Mufasa (Iron Hose X Tasman Toia).  These four were among the highest weaning bucks and each continued to gain well for the 30 days after weaning (especially F27).  We are really excited to hear the the updates coming out of Oklahoma. Laura and I are planning to keep one of the Blue’s Son bucks as herd sire, and our two best candidates are Bootlegger and Midnight Sky. Hopefully the test will give us an idea of which would be  the best for our herd.  We will keep everyone posted!

